You are invited . . . 

Yes, you are invited to be part of Anglicans Powering Potential (APP), this new creation that will see its “official” birth at Synod 2023, We Shall All Be Changed, on the very eve of the birth of the church, Pentecost. So, if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new (2 Cor. 5:17).

The framework of this new creation, evolving from the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board, was outlined in the April 2023 issue of The Diocesan Times. The most visible change from ACW to APP will be the composition of Anglicans Powering Potential, as the core team will be gender inclusive and not women only. This development means a name change, that along with a new logo, makes the transformation very visible. So, we are now inviting applications for men and women (and any other gender identification) to be part of the APP core team. 

But . . . we are more than a name and logo change. While we learned over the past number of months that there is reduced interest in the church and community for single gender organizations, we also learned that what excites and inspires engagement and involvement is an approach and ministry that has high impact. So . . . does the challenge of enhancing the capacity for creative ministry in our Diocese appeal to you? This is the overall purpose of APP. 

Does the idea of a social justice / social transformation focus for this creative ministry excite you? We are looking at drawing strength from the 4th Mark of Mission of the Anglican Church: To seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind, and to pursue peace and reconciliation, as well as the transformational aspiration of the Anglican Church of Canada (ACC) that champions the dignity of every human being by working to dismantle racism and colonialism. The central transformational aspiration of the ACC is invitational, drawing us in to deepen our life in Christ ( 

Does bringing in funds for missional enterprises capture your imagination? It has been a very rewarding ministry for the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board to have annual projects that make a difference in the lives of children, youth, and adults locally, nationally, and internationally. Did you know that this pillar of strength that has been a feature for 24 years for the ACW Diocesan Board has raised more than $200,000, thanks to the interest, concern, and generosity of Anglicans, mostly in our diocese, but beyond, as well. We cannot thank you enough. 

These projects have seen the Board partner and collaborate with church and community organizations. All the research shows, and our lived experience confirms, that the “lone ranger” approach does not maximize potential. When we bring together for a common goal the time, energy, and commitment of many beyond our own group, amazing things happen. Be an integral part of this excitement by being a core team member of Anglicans Powering Potential as we reach out to others to help make innovative ministry possible. 

 Now that your interest is piqued, here’s how you can let us know. Just e-mail [email protected] to request an Expression of Interest / Application Form to be a core team member of Anglicans Powering Potential. In addition to the obvious categories of name, contact information, parish and region, there are two questions inviting your response: 

  1. What is encouraging, even inspiring you to be part of the APP core team?
  2. What are the relevant gifts, talents, skills, and experiences you bring to help APP grow into its potential? 

While the current Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board has been the architect of the key elements of the framework for Anglicans Powering Potential, it will be APP’s core team that brings that framework to life by developing an operational structure that has the features needed to be viable and flexible. 

We would not be able to consider the possibility of Anglicans Powering Potential if it were not for the 50 plus years of ministry of the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board. A Celebration of Thanksgiving for this extraordinary ministry is being planned for Saturday, November 4, 2023. 2:00 – 4:00 pm; at the Parish of St. Margaret of Scotland, 3751 Robie Street, Halifax. This date is on Bishop Sandra’s calendar – place it on yours – all are welcome and encouraged to attend. It will be the perfect opportunity to pay tribute to the Board members who exemplify Ephesians 2:10 – For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life. Come and celebrate and give thanks. 


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