Two Taboo Subjects: Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere

Mother's Union

Two subjects that are so natural and essential to humans are often embarrassing and difficult to talk about. The first of these is menstruation, a natural function of the female body.

Have you ever been in the washrooms at IKEA? If you have you may have noticed in the female washroom the availability of feminine products and diapers, free of charge! (Free diapers are also available in the male washroom.) What message does this give to the patrons of IKEA? – that they recognize parenting as a family responsibility and that they are willing to financially support that by providing at no cost baby/childcare essentials. We also can be sure that girls and women appreciate the availability of pads and tampons at no cost to them. The need for them is the same as the need for toilet paper. The message to women and girls? IKEA wants them to be there and supports them in this welcoming way.

Sometimes we do not see a need staring us right in the face. After the 2019 Fall Mothers’ Union Rally, the branch at St John the Evangelist, Middle Sackville, in thinking of ways to support young people in their neighbourhood, realized that there was something they could do right in their own church hall, something so simple and yet never addressed. They decided to provide free sanitary products. They raised funds to purchase two clear wall pockets and have pledged to keep them filled. The Parish Council agreed to purchase and install the proper receptacles for disposal. Many churches provide these products for their congregations and many have not even thought about it…which congregation are you?

The second taboo subject is breastfeeding, another very natural function of the female body.

Is there a comfy rocking chair and a cozy blanket in your church somewhere? If there is, then that is a sign that you are on your way to becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Church. As Mothers’ Union, an organization that promotes healthy families and encourages parents to develop the faith of their children, supporting the new Breastfeeding Friendly Church Toolkit (BFCT) is a perfect fit. This toolkit is for all members of every congregation, not just those with a Mothers’ Union. If you wish to welcome parents and their children into your church then this article is for you.

Becoming a Breastfeeding Friendly Church is not as simple as placing a rocking chair at the back of the church but requires each congregation to follow specific steps to ensure that your church is obviously and TRULY breastfeeding friendly, not just to pay lip service to the idea but to actually engage in the process outlined in the toolkit and to make a commitment to encourage breastfeeding in your church.

It may sound a bit bizarre to some, to need a commitment or policy around breastfeeding for your church, but to first time unsure parents it would be reassuring to know that everyone welcomes them into church and that you support and want to accommodate them, if they so desire, to carry on this most natural of all motherly acts.

Not all persons feel comfortable with the idea of mother’s breastfeeding in church or any other public space. We need to help them understand that breastfeeding is a Human Right, that businesses are mandated to welcome breastfeeeding mothers in their communities; churches are no different. We want these families to be a complete part of our church community and that includes feeling comfortable if they wish to breastfeed their children.

As we enter 2021, now is an excellent time to establish your church’s breastfeeding policy and to create a warm welcome to those in your surrounding community who have, might have , or may be having, a baby. Aim to have your breastfeeding policy completed by Mothering Sunday, March 14 or Mother’s Day, May 9.

Getting Started:

  1. establish who in your church will be responsible for reviewing and implementing the BFCT. Two heads are always better than one.
  2. download and print the toolkit from the NSPEI Diocesan website
  3. read the toolkit
  4. establish your church’s breastfeeding policy as per the one in the toolkit
  5. consider and address any obstacles to enacting the policy
  6. present your Breastfeeding Policy to the Parish Council for approval and signing
  7. contact or call 902-420-0717 to obtain your International Breastfeeding symbol and icon of Mary feeding Jesus. Submit a copy of your signed policy.
  8. create the necessary space in your church and implement initial and ongoing education for key positions (greeters, council members, etc.)
  9. display the BFC logos
  10. On Mothering Sunday or Mother’s Day, read your policy to the congregation, post it on your parish website and Facebook page, print it in your bulletin and celebrate!

For more information or concerns, please contact Rev. Mellanie Cohoon [email protected] or 902-644-2260


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