Transformation of a different sort

Photo: The way we gather today.
Photo: The way we gather today.

Whenever I hear the word transform I always think of those fantastical creatures that our children had that could be twisted and turned into a very different character or vehicle. And now our grandchildren have another version of the same thing. The amazing thing about the toy was that so many parts could be manipulated to reveal something quite remarkable.

The 2022 theme for Mothers’ Union members around the world is Transformation – Now!

We have moved from the 2021 theme of Rebuilding Hope and Confidence to Transforming. In 2021, as a whole, we had become introspective and introverted, viewing the world from our small circles of family and friends.

It was a year of trying to figure out how we could operate and function within the confines of a pandemic.

Although the pandemic is far from over, we have learned much on how to live with it and to manage it. We have heard it said many times that life will be different after the pandemic.

Mothers’ Union has always been about transforming communities, of helping to make a difference in the lives of people and finding ways to show the love of Christ through our actions.

Transformation – Now! has a slightly different connotation. We are being asked to transform ourselves. In order to do that we are asked to look back at how we did things in the past, what projects we worked on, how we communicated, how we used to be.

From that lens we are to look at what we are doing right now, what activities are we involved in, how are we functioning, how have we changed how we operate, what are we doing differently?

Following that we are being asked to think about the future, what positive changes can be built on? What things will we do differently? What things will we let go? How will we keep in touch? How will we change to move ahead with confidence?

Mothers’ Union branches and other organizations have been awakened to the fact that we are all in the need of some kind of transformation. The pandemic has provided us the opportunity to do just that.

We are being asked to take a serious look at ourselves, to identify our human and material resources, to consider the successes (and failures) we have had in the past. This process could reveal to us the tools that will enable us to transform ourselves for our future ministries.


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