‘Tis the season…

Anglican Church Women

‘Tis the season . . . for giving and receiving, or will be very soon! The Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board started early and recently offered, with great pleasure, Kingston Memorial Fund Bursaries to qualifying Masters of Divinity postulants at the Atlantic School of Theology. Successful recipients can be studying part or full-time, have been pre-approved for ordination, and are anticipating stipendiary ministry upon graduation and ordination. Successful recipients for 2021/22 are: Debbie Fice, Blane Finnie, Dawn-Lea Greer, Ruth MacNeil, and Jane Magrath. They are very appreciative of this support for their journey of discernment and study towards ordination. 

The Board is further delighted that Archbishop Frederick Kingston, former Bishop of our Diocese and Primate for Canada, made the original bequest. Happily, the investment is with the Diocese’s Consolidated Trust Fund and the generous interest makes these bursaries possible. The generosity of Anglican women since 1985 (the 100th year of organized women’s ministry in our Diocese) has made another type of bursary possible, this one a continuing education bursary for Anglican women five years removed from formal schooling enrolled in a recognized program. Applications for the Anniversary Bursary can be requested by e-mailing [email protected] Completed applications are to be returned to the same e-mail address by December 31. 

It is with great pleasure that the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board made a contribution to the Anglican Healing Fund in recognition of the virtual Anglican Church Women Conference of late October, with the theme, Thrive: to prosper, flourish; to grow or develop well. This Conference was virtually attended by the Anglican Church Women Presidents/Coordinators, Vice-Presidents, and Observers of a majority of the dioceses in Canada. We were blessed to have our Primate, the Most Reverend Linda Nicholls, attend and be the keynote speaker. Her message that the essence of our baptismal covenant would have us serve the whole community is what thriving is all about. Coming from a place of humility and grace, we need to walk with Jesus so that the whole community can Thrive together. 

The Conference theme and the Primate’s address inspired the Diocesan Anglican Church Women Board to contribute a $1,000 to the Anglican Healing Fund, with the very specific request that this Giving with Grace contribution be directed to a project that supports the healing and well-being of Indigenous children and youth, to acknowledge that Every Child Matters. We offered our contribution as a memorial to honour those Indigenous children who did not return from the Indian Residential Schools, who did not have the opportunity to thrive, with the hope that it would help Indigenous children and youth right now do just that – to thrive: to prosper, flourish, grow and develop well. 

Anglican women were very generous with the Anglican Foundation’s Say Yes! to Kids campaign. Our Diocesan Board started the ball rolling with a $1,000 contribution that encouraged other Boards and ACW parish groups across the country to come on board. By the close of the campaign, Anglican women’s groups had contributed almost one tenth of the total campaign! Our Diocese has submitted 10 proposals to benefit from these funds. The response across the country has been beyond all expectation and the majority of the submitted proposals meet the criteria such that there is a funding shortfall ($500,000 in Requests versus $110,000 raised in the campaign)! Fortunately, the Foundation is working hard to close this gap, with some success, but . . . you can help. If you missed the opportunity to make a contribution to the Say Yes! to Kids campaign, it is definitely not too late to donate – every gift counts!  

Those interested in making a gift to support the Say Yes! to Kids proposals and to help close the funding shortfall, are encouraged to donate on line: https://www.anglicanfoundation.org/donate/ or to send a cheque payable to the Anglican Foundation, Say Yes! to Kids in the memo line, mailed to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2. Your individual contribution, and/or that of your parish, can make a positive difference! You can say Yes! to our Diocese’s many inspiring grant proposals. Huge thanks again to the many in our diocese who were so generous with the Say Yes! to Kids campaign – we were one of the leading dioceses with our contributions and we exceeded our goal.

The Anglican Church Women Board has on hand the adorable Anglican Foundation Hope Bear ($20) and the book Children’s Prayers with Hope Bear ($15). These make great Christmas gifts and are well received. Just e-mail [email protected] to place an order.  

The Anglican Church Women Board is always happy to receive contributions for its Annual Project. For 2021/22, it is Marguerite Centre: A Future with Hope. Help support a woman recovering from addiction in this special place of healing for the mind, body, and spirit. Cheques are payable to the Anglican Church Women Board, Annual Project in the memo line and directed to Marjorie Davis, 204 – 111 Pebblecreek Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2W 0L1. Individual gifts of $20 or more receive an income tax receipt. 

While ‘tis the season for giving and receiving, ‘tis also the season to say thanks for everyone’s generosity. The Anglican Church Women Board could not be successful with its ministry, especially its Annual Projects, without your support, so thank you one and all for your generous contributions – your gifts make a positive difference. Greetings for a blessed Advent and Christmas to one and all from the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board. 


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