The value of one; the power of many

Anglican Church Women

The past, present, and future are encompassed in the theme for National Volunteer Week 2021 (April 18 – 24): The Value of One. The Power of Many. It is felt by Volunteer / Benevoles Canada to be a theme that honours the past, in that 2021 is the 20th anniversary of the International Year of Volunteers when Canada selected The Value of One. The Power of Many. for National Volunteer Week 2001. With respect to the present, the theme reflects the individual and collective efforts so evident during the pandemic; regarding the future, it sets the tone for re-imagining the next 20 years, as the value of individual action and the power of many enables us to thrive together. So, with the past, present, and future all present in The Value of One. The Power of Many., we can contemplate what this National Volunteer Week 2021 theme means for our women and men in the parishes.  

Our parishes could not function, before, during, or after a pandemic, without the lay ministry of so many. While we often in churchland prefer to use the word “ministry” in place of “volunteerism”, what Volunteer Canada says about volunteerism is relevant for the lay ministry of our parishes, especially with the continuing and sustained emphasis on our parishes being “missional”. It is felt that the theme, The Value of One. The Power of Many., conveys “the awe-inspiring acts of kindness by [so many] individuals AND the magic that happens when we work together towards a common purpose”. Does this not describe our parishes when women and men, individually and collectively: Do Justice . . . Love Kindness . . . [and] Walk Humbly with [our] God, the theme from Micah 6:8 for Anglican Church Women 2020/21?

It is worth noting that 2021 marks the 20th anniversary of 3 significant milestones for the non-profit and charitable sector in Canada:

The International Year of Volunteers in 2001, as already noted; 

The launching of the first Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement; and,

The signing of an Accord between the Government of Canada and the (voluntary) non-profit and charitable sector. 

It is further noted by Volunteer Canada that 2021 is a year to equip and position the volunteer/non-profit/charitable sector for the next 20 years, in order “to restore, regroup, rethink, and renovate our . . . place in society, as we all navigate the impact of the pandemic and take action on racism and social injustice.” Does this not speak to our baptismal covenant to “strive for justice and peace among all people . . . respect[ing] the dignity of every human being”?

We have all witnessed what Volunteer Canada has noted, that this past year “saw people supporting family, friends, neighbours, and strangers; people standing up to systemic racism; and people sharing insights on how to create a more just and equitable society.” We acknowledge, along with Volunteer Canada, the value of “the caring and compassion” that has been shown to one another, and we recognize “the power of people, organizations, and sectors working together . . . to bring about monumental change.”

Volunteer Canada is putting out a rallying cry with National Volunteer Week 2021 – April 18 – 24 and its theme: The Value of One. The Power of Many. It is laying the foundation for the next 20 years by: 1. Keeping the spotlight on the contributions of volunteers, while addressing critical social, economic, and environmental issues; 2. Adapting and re-launching the Canadian Code for Volunteer Involvement, to better reflect the new landscape in volunteer engagement and emerging trends; and, 3. Refreshing and re-signing the Accord between the Government of Canada and the (voluntary) non-profit and charitable sector.

As we celebrate the joy and vibrancy of the Easter season 2021, think how your parish can show appreciation for the vitality of its lay ministry during Canada’s National Volunteer Week, April 18 – 24. Did you know that the Anglican Church Women Board has a Certificate of Recognition that can be presented to a deserving individual, or more than one, in your parish? And there is nothing to say that the deserving candidate has to be a woman! These certificates are available @ $5 each, along with a presentation folder, by contacting the Board: [email protected] 

Each and every individual in your parish has value and when these valuable individuals work together to accomplish God’s mission, amazing things happen, just as the Value of One. The Power of Many. demonstrates. Happy National Volunteer Week! 


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