The times they are a changin’

Mother's Union

We live in changing times. And so it is with Mothers’ Union.  There is change in the air. 

For the past 4 years the executive of the Canadian Mothers’ Union has been based in the Diocese of Fredericton with some coordinator positions being filled from across Canada.  The people who fill those positions usually have a long-standing association with Mothers’ Union and appreciate the relationships, the faith and the focus of Mothers’ Union and its members. Those positions are now being taken up by members of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.  A most sincere thank you to those who served so faithfully from the Diocese of Fredericton and elsewhere, and to those who have now answered the call and said ‘yes’.

As with many in volunteer church organizations, some members are coaxed into filling positions on executives and councils; it seems rare that someone steps forward of their own accord and asks to serve on a Church Council. We don’t seem to step up and say ‘Can you use me?’  We wait to be asked, and if we are not asked, then we don’t answer the call. 

Is it that we don’t feel we have the skills to do the job? There is always ‘on the job training’. It is a great sense of accomplishment to learn something new.

Is it that we don’t think we have the time? COVID has taught us that we need to take more time for the important things in life. It helps to fulfill us.

Is it that we feel the organization is not open to changing how it operates? Then maybe you can help bring about change.

Is that the same people fill the positions year in and year out? Then the organization definitely needs you to bring a new perspective, perhaps a breath of fresh air. 

Is it that we don’t have the time or energy? Participating in groups keeps our minds and bodies active.

Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.”  1 Peter 4:10

We are very thankful that Maxine Simpkin has answered the call and has offered her gifts. On July 25, Maxine, along with other faithful Mothers’ Union members, was commissioned by the Right Reverend Bishop Sandra Fyfe to serve as President of the Diocese of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island Mothers’ Union Council for 2021-2024. Also commissioned by Bishop Sandra  were Pamela Oliver, vice-president; Debbie Fice, chaplain; Joan Helpard, treasurer; Dawn Snyder, marketing; and Lloyd Snyder, historian. This special occasion took place at a wonderful Lady Day Service at St. John the Evangelist in Middle Sackville.

If you, the reader, have noted that there is no secretary, you are correct. Perhaps you may the one to answer the call and volunteer to take on this role. If you can type, even with two fingers, and can use a computer, you are eligible!  Do not neglect the gift you have….1 Timothy 4:14

For the next 4 years the Diocesan Mothers’ Union banner will be housed at St John the Evangelist, the home church of the Diocesan President.  This banner, which is two sided, was designed and made by Ethel Nelson and Dawn Skene in 2009.  One side focuses on the fact that we are a diocese of two provinces. It features the maps of each province, the floral emblems and the letters made in their respective tartans.  The other side contains the blue colors of Mothers’ Union, with the motto and the global Christian nature of Mothers’ Union reflected in the globe centered on the cross. Ethel employed some inventive methods in creating the banner which included using a piece of her bedroom drape material to create the lady slipper flower. For the globe she enlarged a picture of the Mothers’ Union globe and then fed sticky backed fabric through her printer to get the image! And it worked!  This banner was a work of love and patience for which we thank Dawn and Ethel. It is appreciated and valued by all diocesan Mothers’ Union members.

As we approach the secular recognition of mothers called Mother’s Day, I would like to leave you with the following litany:

A litany for biblical mothers

Eve, mother of our humanity,
teach us true wisdom, that all life is precious in God’s sight.

Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth, yearning for a child,
comfort and strengthen all who know the pain of infertility

Hagar, condemned to the harshness of exile,
sustain those who struggle to feed their sons and daughters.

Rebecca, bride from a far-off land,
welcome women who must bring up their families among strangers.

Rachel, weeping for your children, weep with all mothers whose children have disappeared.

Jochebed, mother of Moses and Miriam,
lend your ingenuity to women who seek protection for their children.

Naomi and Ruth, bound together by a love greater than blood,
show us how bitter disappointment can become the sweetness of hope.

Mary, daughter of Israel, mother of Jesus,
share with us God’s secrets you have pondered deep within your heart.

From New Start Worship Resources for the Millenium, Book 2.


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