The Magi didn’t make it to the crèche

St Bart's by the Bog

Here it is, well into the Sundays following The Feast of the Epiphany and the Magi still have not arrived at the Creche in St. Bart’s!

When we last heard of the three Wise Men and their long journey to see the child Jesus, they were at the back of the church ! Yes, the greening was up ….just…. and yes…they were poised to begin their journey up the side aisle of the church in search of the Creche. It was almost the last Sunday in Advent and the men of the Parish had come in to hang the greening, using ladders that they were comfortable using and ladders that were being supported from below. Father Jason was put in charge of untangling the lights for the trees and was told to stay far, far away from any and all ladders!!

Then the bomb dropped from the Bishop’s office. No more in-house services until at least mid January. Instead of the three Magi coming our way, Covid had sent its own surprise in the form of a variant called Omicron. It was more than willing to spread its effects throughout our world and that world included St. Bart’s By The Bog.

St Bart’s sat forlorn and empty but nicely decorated for Christmas and we sat in our own homes, feeling a bit sad and forlorn too even though our own trees and wreaths were scattered everywhere.

Jason went to online services with just Irene James our organist in the church with him, playing our favourite Carols. It wasn’t the same but at least it was something and I think many of us with computers and or tablets watched and prayed with them. It was a Christmas like no other, that is for sure. We could see some of the beauty of our beloved church decorated for Christmas and the Magi could be seen on the back windowsills. Jason assured us that Angels and Archangels were there admiring our handiwork and that he would make sure the three Wise Men made it to the Creche by January 6th.

Time passes and we stay in lock down, We have heard from our families in other parts of the country where things are much worse .That give us no comfort, just more to fret about. And still those Wise Men continue to travel and search, both in our parish church and in our homes.

I guess the lesson we can take from all of this is to have a bit of the faith that those three showed over two thousand years ago. That is; keep searching and you will find the treasure, keep praying and we will find the end of this pandemic.

At our house the tree and other decorations were tucked away in the attic soon after Epiphany, but we have kept our outside lights glowing again this year as a sign of hope and faith. Our Magi are still sitting on the windowsill in the Parlour. They will keep their attention on the virus, and we will spend our days of insolation thinking of and praying for friends and family near and far, always holding Father Jason and the people of our parish close to our hearts.

I’ll keep you posted,
Aunt Madge


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