Tangier Deanery Camp

Did you attend a summer camp as a child? 

Do you remember: Sleeping in large bell tents (in the late 1940s and early 1950s) that rolled up at the sides to let the air in? Maybe sleeping in a bunk bed in a cozy cabin for 10 campers plus counsellors (in later years)?  Perhaps you remember going to the K.Y.B.O at night? Scary, wasn’t it? Or jumping in the ice-cold waters of Ship Harbour for a morning “wake-up” dip or a swimming lesson?  Washing up in the brook every morning? Singing and telling scary stories around the campfire every night? Maybe you tried to summon Camille, the elf in the woods, to protect you. If you remember these things, it is possible that you attended the Tangier Deanery Camp in Lower Ship Harbour.

The Deanery Centre and Camp was masterminded by the Rev. Canon G.S. Tanton, known in officialdom as the “Tangier Terror” (he was passionate about getting services and amenities for people living on the Eastern Shore and few could deny him) and affectionately to many as Father Staff. 

The philosophy of the camp was to provide a fun, residential camping experience for young people from 7 to 14 years of age. A chaplain and trained staff planned activities in a Christian community so that young people would grow in their commitment to Jesus Christ and to each other. After decades of use the Diocese closed and sold the facility.

But the camp is still there and has taken on a new life under the direction of Kim Thompson.  In  2011, Kim, another visionary, stepped in and founded The Deanery Project.

The Deanery Project is a not-for-profit organization with a focus on the environment, the arts, youth and community, natural building and permaculture. They are open year around offering programs and projects related to energy, forests, health, active transportation and rural living. In many ways they are continuing the work of the Tangier Deanery Camp by teaching young people to protect and appreciate the world that God gave us.

You can learn more about The Deanery Project on their website: thedeaneryproject.com

The first Sunday afternoon, of every month, from 1:00 – 3:00, they open their doors to welcome friends, new visitors, curious about the Deanery Project, and what they are up to.  There are tours of the land and buildings, or you can explore the property on your own, and join them for a cup of tea after. Their volunteers and staff are happy to answer your questions ranging from natural building techniques to hikes in the area, to how to get involved and more.


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