Some jabs, some gardening and lots of hope

St Bart's by the Bog

There are a few sore arms here By the Bog as more and more of us get “THE JAB”. Yes, it is vaccination time here and in other parts of our world. Both Orin and I have had the first shot in the arm with no ill effects. This is one benefit of attaining a ripe old age ! Others like our Rector and his wife are too young at the moment but as things change and evolve around vaccinating ,I wouldn’t be surprised if they have had their first dose by the time this is in print!

As a couple, and at our doctor’s insistence, we have been getting the yearly Flu shot and I wouldn’t be surprised if this shot does not become an added Autumn tradition.

Covid has turned the world upside down and I wonder if life as we knew it 14 months ago will ever return. There have been some positive results from our isolation . New skills have been learned, old skills have had new life breathed into them and we all are looking at the world with eyes that see and feel the pain and fear of many and the faith of even more of our friends and family.

On a very personal note, we have spent more time together watching some very interesting shows on television ,especially since we have had the new sites of Netflix and Britbox added for our viewing pleasure, thanks to our whizz of a Grandson who got us all set up from thousands of miles away .Oh the wonders of today’s technology!!

Orin and I have been sharing books to read as we find old treasures hidden on our bookshelves. I have been baking more , quilting more and if I am honest, napping more .Orin has taken on the job of bread baker in the house and has a “sourdough mother’ sitting on the pantry shelf that he has grown and nurtured by himself over the winter!

Isolation from the distractions of the world makes life in our tiny bubble precious. As spring is showing us the promise of new life, our garden is being ploughed and early peas and radishes have been planted . Tiny tomato seedlings sit on our windowsills waiting for the first full moon of June before they get transplanted . Our spring bulbs have flowered as promised and life in nature seems to go along with no concern for any virus .

Our parish life is becoming more active as well with some services in St. Bart’s and others on the front lawn. Jason is out and about ,caring for his flock and we are feeling his love and concern for us all.

Life will continue to go along with more and more jabs being given ,A few sore arms and the promise of a summer with a bit of family visiting, and God willing,  a few hugs.

I’ll keep you posted. 

Aunt Madge


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