Setting Sail: Vital Church Maritimes 2023

A group of eight adults pose for a group photo.
Photo: Stephen Doucet-Campbell, Rev. Dr. Dawn Davis, Rev. Canon Lisa Vaughn, Edith Marshall, Mike Winslow, Rev. Edith Marshall, Mike Winslow, Rev. Jerry Cavanaugh, Rev. Fran Boutilier

“In order to set sail, you have leave port ……at some point you have to step into the boat” said Rev. Dr. Dawn Davis Keynote speaker of VCM 2023.

She also talked about how dangerous it can be stepping onto the boat, “One foot is on still stable surface, while the other is testing its weight, trying to find the center of gravity on a floating surface”. This can be compared perhaps to the danger and vulnerability of stepping into “the spiritual journey”.

A white woman in a purple dress poses with a white man in yellow rain pants and a yellow rain hat with a plaid shirt.
Heidi Jur and Archbishop Ron Cutler

Rev. Dr. Dawn Davis explained how the spiritual journey, the relationship with God consists of a continuum of four distinct stages: Explore, Grow Deepen and Christ-Centered, the shift from one stage to next, a life crisis occurs which precipitates the transition from one stage into the next.

These same stages can be applied to the larger context of the church, Rev. Dr. Dawn described how she thinks the church is on the third stage transition zone of the continuum of the spiritual journey, it is why we ”feel so uncomfortable in the church right now”. 

As Maritimers we could better describe this zone as being “STUCK IN FOG”.

When we are stuck in the fog we have to reorient ourselves from using our vision to listening. 

“We listen for the foghorn. We listen for the sound of other boats. We listen to the sound of waves against the rocks.” As for the church “Listen for that the small voice. Listen for the spiritual longings and losses from the neighbourhood. Listen for the cry of creation. Listen for the call of justice”. 

Keynote Talks by Rev. Dr. Dawn Davis

  • Leaving Port
  • Sitting in the Fog
  • Set Sail

Guest Speaker Talk by Stephen Doucet- Campbell

  • Ready Aye Ready
  • Good News Stories by Shawn Branch

Panel Discussion with Rev. Dr. Dawn Davis, Stephen Doucet- Campbell, Shawn Branch

Video and audio recordings of presentations will be available free from the Diocesan webpage along with PowerPoints and discussion exercises. 

Keynote Speaker Rev. Dr. Dawn Davis. She is Assistant Professor of Contextual Theology and Director of Leadership for Ministry Programs, at Huron University College, London, ON. Dawn is originally from St. Luke’s Dartmouth, she is the author of the Revive Series.

Guest speaker Stephen Doucet-Campbell, MA, RP. Registered Psychotherapist (Ontario)/Counselling Therapist (NS). He led two sessions on leadership mental health and resilience.

Facilitator Shawn Branch, Parish Development Officer, from the Diocese of Fredericton, NB.


Submitted by Trudy Cole
VCM task group member


  • Diocesan Times

    First published in 1946, the Diocesan Times is an online newspaper serving Anglicans in Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island.

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