Say Yes! to Kids Campaign a success in NS/PEI

Did you know that our Diocesan Peer-to-Peer (P2P) fundraising team for the Anglican Foundation’s Say Yes! to Kids Campaign was one of the early teams in support of kids, youth, and young adults in a post pandemic world? As Michelle Hauser, Development Consultant with the Foundation, noted: “I’ve often described the challenge of getting [these Peer-to-Peer teams] going like encouraging people to get dancing at a wedding reception. . . somebody has to go first! . . .  and NS/PEI went first and was instrumental in getting the party started!” Did you know that we met and exceeded our Diocesan $5,000 P2P team goal, thanks to so many Diocesan contributors? Did you know that the NS/PEI team was one of the top 5 teams throughout the 3 months (April 6 – June 30, 2021) of the Campaign? We got the “dancing” started and kept it going! Thanks to all our great donors.  

Missed contributing? Not to worry. It is easy to donate to AFC’s Kids Helping Kids by placing that title in the memo line of your cheque payable to the Anglican Foundation, addressed to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, 80 Hayden Street, Toronto, ON M4Y 3G2. Or donate on-line. It is easy-peasy:

Anglican Foundation logo

Moreover, did you know that it was the early generous contributions of our Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board and the Cathedral’s St. Catherine’s Group that provided both awareness of and momentum for Say Yes! to Kids, as well as inspiration for other Anglican Church Women Groups across Canada to donate to this special campaign with its ambitious goal of $100,000? Cynthia Pilichos, AFC Diocesan Representative for NS & PEI, was in touch with Anglican Church Women Diocesan Presidents and Coordinators in most Dioceses in Canada to encourage their support! Gail Revitt, President of the Anglican Church Women Board of the Diocese of New Westminster, noted: “. . . You, Cynthia, made a strong case for Say Yes! to Kids and we followed that up with some of our Board Discretionary Funds.” ACWs across the country were big contributors, helping the Campaign exceed its $100,000 goal by more than $10,000.  

Now that the funds are in, how can parishes in our Diocese benefit? Consider preparing a grant proposal for the Anglican Foundation’s Say Yes! to Kids Funds. Applications are due at the Anglican Foundation between Sept. 1 – Oct. 1, 2021. Please contact Diocesan AFC Rep, Cynthia ([email protected]) if you are planning on preparing a proposal. There is a diocesan team to help ensure a complete proposal, that must be signed by Bishop Sandra before being submitted directly to AFC. You can access the full Request-for-Proposal “package” on the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) website: Click on Apply and open 2021 Request-for-Proposal. 

These are the broad areas that the Say Yes! to Kids funds will support, so proposals that have the potential to have kids, youth, and young adults: Grow in faith and deepen community connections; and/or 

• Participate in a variety of enrichment activities; and/or • Experience improvements in health and well-being; and/or 

• Overcome cycles of poverty and hardship; and/or 

• Achieve better learning outcomes.

Consider a Say Yes! to Kids grant proposal to benefit from the funds raised by our Diocese and all contributors across Canada – let’s Say Yes! to Kids.  


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