Raise the Roof

A white church is photographed against a blue sky. Trees without leaves can be seen in the foreground and next to the church.
St. Luke’s, Annapolis Royal, NS

When you have been sitting in the beautiful town of Annapolis Royal for over 200 years, in all kinds of weather ,through winters and summers ;seen a few Hurricanes and many wind storms, your roof gets very worn out.

That is exactly what has happened to one of the town’s beautiful icons, St Luke’s Anglican Church. For 200 years the bell tower of this place of worship has stood out on St George Street, just across from Fort Anne. It has been a place of worship ever since King George gifted the town with the land to build a church. The Royal Charter and the Coat of Arms is seen just above the red front doors.

Worship has continued here for 200 years .The old building has seen hundreds of Baptisms, Marriages and Funerals .The walls almost echo with the lingering sounds of Hymns and the beautiful Stained Glass windows share with worshipers different stories from the life of Jesus.

Time and wear have taken their tole and the roof that has given shelter and refuge to so many over the years has sprung many leaks. It is time for us to step up and replace the roof.

This will be a monumental task ,but one that must be done. As inheritors of this precious gift it is our responsibility to see the job done. Over the coming weeks and months you will see different projects being promoted by the congregation and friends of St. Luke’s in an effort to finance such an important task. We will be asking for your prayers and support as we work to restore the building we have been given by those who have gone on before.

When you see “Raise The Roof”, lend a hand. With God’s help and your support St Luke’s can enter the next 200 years of shared worship with a sound, water-tight roof.

Sarah Neish


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