Prestigious honour for PWRDF volunteer

Photo: Bishop Sue Moxley presents PWRDF award to Honorary Associate Suzanne Heenan.
Photo: Bishop Sue Moxley presents PWRDF award to Honorary Associate Suzanne Heenan.

Suzanne Heenan, PWRDF Parish Representative for the Parish of St. John the Evangelist in Middle Sackville, Nova Scotia was appointed an Honorary Associate to the PWRDF Board at PWRDF’s recent Annual General Meeting. The honor is given for prolonged and exceptional volunteer service to PWRDF. Suzanne is being recognized for her tireless passion and commitment to keeping PWRDF in the minds and hearts of parishioners for 19 years.

Suzanne is active in updating the parish website with PWRDF news, promoting the use of the Blue Envelopes and she makes a special effort to have the young people of her parish use the SuperFriends resource. Sue has also been a very effective fundraiser. She is well known as the energy and organization behind the parish’s Annual Variety Show which is much anticipated and always “sold out” (pre- COVID). As a retired businesswoman, Suzanne has many connections within the community and always successful in attracting talent from beyond the Anglican faith community. Her enthusiasm is contagious and inspires others to become engaged. The work of promoting PWRDF “is part of my life” says Sue.

Suzanne’s appointment was recognized at a recent Sunday morning worship service by Priest in Charge Bishop Sue Moxley and she offered the following remarks:

“Most Christians agree that as followers of Jesus, we are called to love God and love our neighbour. These directives raise at least 2 questions: Who is my neighbour and what does “love” look like? Our neighbour can be anyone: someone close by or somewhere else in the world!

As for what love looks like, Jesus was clear “Whatever you do for the least of the brothers and sisters….”

PWRDF is one of the ways we can love our neighbours near and far away. For some Christians, that is their primary call. Sue Heenan is one of those people. She sees the needs identified by PWRDF and sets about raising funds in order to meet them!”

This appointment is very prestigious as there are currently only seventeen PWRDF Honorary Associates within the Anglican Church of Canada. Suzanne is the second Anglican from our Diocese to receive this honour. Ms. Pamela Oliver was also recognized for her extraordinary commitment as a PWRDF Parish Representative for the Parish of South Queens in 2012.


  • Chris Pharo

    Chris Pharo is a PWRDF Diocesan Representative

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