News from Away – May 2021

Dear diocese, 

This month’s column was inspired by a conversation with the bishop where she prayed for prayers that would encourage Anglicans to understand environmental acts as spiritual practice. 

As a Diocesan Environment Network (DEN) coordinator, I always give thanks each day for every person’s contribution, large or small, to caring for God’s creation and pray for your continuing and ongoing efforts and well-being. 

Blessed are those of you who recycle for you keep trash out of the ditch.  

Blessed are those of you who shop at thrift stores and who pass on gently used items for you reduce pollution from manufacturing.

Blessed are those of you who buy local organic food for you reduce carbon emissions from long hauls and are kind to the soil.

Blessed are those of you who turn out lights when you leave the room for you save on power consumption.

Blessed are those of you who sign petitions and carry signs calling for strong environmental laws for you push politicians to deal with major polluters.   

In our intercessory prayers this month, I ask that we all pray for all the cyclists back on the road this spring and the newly resurrected “Raging Grannies”.  

For all those who cycle when they could drive reducing their carbon emissions. 

We give thanks, Oh Lord! 

For the newly resurrected Raging Grannies and all those who call for strong environmental legislation and protection of vulnerable species.

We give thanks, Oh Lord! 

Gracious God, We also keep in our prayers those who tend the trails and bicycle lanes throughout the diocese making green travel easy and safe. 


And on your journey to work, home or for just for play, 

here is a Raging Grannies tune to help you travel along your way:  

Bicycle Song
(to the tune of Daisy, Daisy) 

Daisy, Daisy, 

cycling is good for you

Driving’s crazy, 

cars spew our CO2

We know we should not 


An elegant motor carriage

But take a hike, 

or ride a bike

The environment will

love you. 

From the Raging Grannies Songbook

BTW: If you haven’t heard of the Raging Grannies, (Blessed are those who sing about environmental and other justice issues for they might influence others.) they are best described as “good women “of that certain age” who share… commitment to peace, social justice, and environmental sustainability”. (They) “bring with them a sense of humor, a sense of outrage, and a commitment to non-violence. Being a biological grandmother is not a requirement and…it should be obvious that a good singing voice is not required, either.”

For more information on the Raging Grannies Email DEN at [email protected]

Blessings from the outer world,

Rev. Marian Lucas-Jefferies

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