MISSION (is) POSSIBLE – February 2021

Diocesan stories of people responding to God’s call

A new cohort steps up

Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase.” 

Participants in The Connectors THREE, our diocesan missional leadership cohort, are doing just that – stepping out in faith. This third group of pioneering ministers is embarking upon a year of intentional discernment, prayer, learning and experimenting in missional ministry. 

COVID-19 has guaranteed that the landscape of life in our communities is unlike any time in history. Change in our local communities and for the future-oriented congregation means blazing a trail into the proverbial wilderness. Those courageous souls who answer the call to serve in the name of Christ are in for a trek forward with plenty of unpredictable terrain. But they are not alone! 

Designed to equip and empower, The Connectors THREE program assists cohort members to take risks and forge ahead in faith to join God in the neighbourhood and lovingly serve those around them. Lay and clergy participants focus on missional connections: between themselves and God (prayerful discernment), between themselves and one another (peer support), and between the congregation and the community (leadership development). Most importantly, these pioneer ministers are learning how to engage new people who are on a spiritual search for the One who offers communion and wholeness.

One participant from the second cohort, Lorraine Fisher described how she grew from previously not considering herself a leader and gained more confidence. “I am comfortable now leading groups and making suggestions about ways our parishes can do missional work,” shared the Connector from Christ Church, Berwick. “I want to expand my community outreach and parish support, working with youth (and) senior visitation,” Lorraine said. 

Another Connector TWO, Patsy Clothier, from St. John’s Wolfville, said she more deeply understood her baptismal identity and the power of two or three gathered together in Christ’s name. “For sure I learned a lot about being a servant of God – his disciple – how wonderful it is – special. I learned a lot can be accomplished with a small group of like-minded people. That we can be brave (and) also bold. All because of listening to our hearts and to God. It makes a large difference.” 

The 2021 group includes a diversity of parish leaders from Cape Breton, Prince Edward Island, Mainland Nova Scotia and the Diocese of Huron. They gather monthly over a year for 10, two-day residential retreats and virtually on Zoom. Together they foster skills in recognizing and acting upon missional opportunities. In other words, they will be taking steps, risking and trusting God, as they respond in loving service. 

Deborah Beck – St. James’ Pictou/Anglican Churches of Pictou County, NS

Jerry Cavanaugh – Parish of St. Luke’s Hubbards, NS

Paula Evans-Bragg – St. John the Baptist, North Sydney, NS

Steve Greene – St. Luke’s/St. Thomas’ Cambridge, Diocese of Huron, ON

Kent Gregory – St. Mark’s, Halifax, NS

Janice Jackson – Parish of French Village, NS

Jacqueline Keddy – St. Luke’s, Dartmouth, NS

Annie MacQueen – The Collieries Parish, NS 

Betty Mansfield – St. John the Baptist, North Sydney, NS

Janice Robar – Parish of Hatchet Lake & Terence Bay, NS

Janet Vieth-Forbes – Parish of Summerside & St. Eleanor’s, PEI

Postulant, Debbie Fice is assisting the Parish Vitality Coordinator in facilitating this year’s learning cohort. Rev. Frances Drolet-Smith, Diocesan Vocations Coordinator, also offers teaching and guidance related to the members’ baptismal identity and prayerful discernment. The Five Marks of Mission form the basis for this work. 

This learning forum is an investment in the future vitality and growth of parishes as we learn how to reach new people, in new places, by new ways in our neighbourhoods.

The Five Marks of Mission


Proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom


Teach, baptize and nurture new believers


Respond to human need by loving service


Seek to transform unjust structures of society, to challenge violence of every kind and to pursue peace and reconciliation


Strive to safeguard the integrity of creation and sustain and renew the life of the earth.


  • Lisa Vaughn

    Rev. Canon Lisa G. Vaughn is the Diocesan Parish Vitality Coordinator. For additional articles, inspiration and insights on congregational vitality and mission see the Facebook page “Parish Vitality Coordinator – Diocese of NS & PEI”, and the Anglican Net News, “Six-Minute Study”.

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