MISSION (is) POSSIBLE: Diocesan Stories of People Responding to God’s Call    



Undeniably, ministry is hard these days. Yet despite the challenges participants in our Diocesan missional leadership cohort continue to roll up their sleeves and actively engage their neighbourhoods in word and deed with the Good News. 

The Connectors is a peer learning community for laity and clergy who want to explore what mission looks like and how to build bridges with people who are not associated with a faith community. This group of ten eager pioneering-type people, gather monthly over a year for 10, two-day residential and online sessions. Together they foster skills in praying for, recognizing and acting upon missional opportunities.

Kent Gregory, a member of The Connectors THREE and assistant facilitator with The Connectors FOUR, says the cohort greatly broadened his perspective. “Connectors opened my mind to seeing Church outside the walls of our buildings and being able to bring Christ to those seeking him in their communities and on their terms,” he said. 

The Connectors FOUR are wrapping up their year with many missional initiatives in the works. They are: 

  • Loretta Armsworthy Stellarton, ACPC, Pictou Co., NS
  • Mary Ellen Finlay St. John’s, Wolfville (Horton), NS
  • Michael Foley Parish of Port Dufferin, NS
  • Pamela Hutchinson Parish of Fall River & Oakfield, NS
  • Kim Lively Parish of Fall River & Oakfield, NS
  • Valerie Mailman St. James’, Kentville, NS
  • Robert MacMillan Parish of Blandford, NS
  • Melody Rooyakkers Parish of Strait Chedabucto, NS
  • Joe Young St. Francis by the Lakes, Lower Sackville, NS

The general approach of prayerfully discerning how to engage in missional ministry follows these component basics (below). It is not necessarily a liner process since leaders are listening deeply to where the Spirit is leading and opening up opportunities. The goal is to connect with people who are seeking help, hope and possibly authentic faith community. 

Here is a list of some of the ministry initiatives The Connectors FOUR participants are working on:

  • Meditation group
  • Toddlers Story Programme
  • Compline in the Park
  • Quilters group to make quilts for youth leaving shelters setting up their own apartments
  • Women’s retreat
  • Food bank/Christmas program
  • Driving seniors to medical appointments
  • Card making in a local coffee shop
  • Praying, talking with people in public parks (unofficial chaplain) 
  • Composing, publishing Christian music
  • Unofficial chaplain to local college students, referrals to local congregations
  • Blessing of the Fleet, building relationships with fishing industry workers
  • Bicycle ministry, riding around rural community, visiting residents
  • Parish affirmation for LGBTQ2+ people  
  • Small group discipleship studies
  • Exploring green burials for cemetery

Kim Lively, from the Parish of Fall River & Oakfield, says The Connectors FOUR program helped develop her leadership skills for missional ministry. 

“I’m so glad I said, ‘yes’ to attending the Connectors cohort,” she said. “I was able to clearly define my spiritual gifts and understand the missional aspect of my faith as being one sent by God into the world. It provided an environment for intimate and enlightening discussions that deepened my relationship with the Holy Spirit and reignited my joy for all of creation. The bonds of friendship with fellow cohorts will likely be lifelong.”

In discernment for ordained ministry, Kent Gregory echoes similar vocational clarity. 

“Being a member of a Connectors cohort allowed me to examine my spiritual gifts and then practice those gifts in a safe space so as to be able to use them in missional activities in the greater community,” said the leader at St. Mark’s, Halifax. 

The next round of the missional leadership cohort, The Connectors FIVE, begins in March 2023. 

  • Do you sense that God is nudging you to try something new?
  • To reach out to people who might never come to Sunday morning worship?
  • To be the hands, feet and heart of Christ to your community?

Ideal participants are people of prayer, curious learners, willing to push at their growing edges, mentor other leaders and actively innovate in mission. Cohort members commit to participating in all of The Connectors’ sessions and an estimated average of three hours per month for study and reflection. Missional initiatives require additional time.

Interested? Know someone who would be perfect for this?  More information and an application form are available from www.nspeidiocese.ca/users/the-revd-lisa-vaughn  

Contact the Parish Vitality Coordinator – [email protected]  or call 902-789-4840.



  • Lisa Vaughn

    Rev. Canon Lisa G. Vaughn is the Diocesan Parish Vitality Coordinator. For additional articles, inspiration and insights on congregational vitality and mission see the Facebook page “Parish Vitality Coordinator – Diocese of NS & PEI”, and the Anglican Net News, “Six-Minute Study”.

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