His candle burned bright

Archbishop Ron Cutler, Rev. Art Nash and Archbishop Arthur Peters at the New Year’s Levee two years ago.
Archbishop Ron Cutler, Rev. Art Nash and Archbishop Arthur Peters at the New Year’s Levee two years ago.

Giving thanks for the life and ministry of the Rev. Art Nash tonight. I first met him 30 years ago when we moved to Sydney Mines. He was one of my predecessors as rector of Trinity Church. Over the years I got to know him as a colleague when we both served in Fort Sackville Region. He was passionate about everything and always ready for a good discussion (or a fight). He was passionate about Cape Breton, about the Toronto Maple Leafs, about ministry, about evangelism, about Cursillo, about the Anglican Church, about life at the Seal Island trailer, about his family and especially about Emily. The ‘Caper’ in him meant he didn’t really trust bishops, rules, guidelines and sometimes even canons. He saw it as a birthright to stir up trouble periodically, but did he ever love people. He loved to sing though he couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket – that never stopped him. He loved mowing grass, he loved worship, he loved a bit of clergy gossip and he loved Jesus. We are the better for having known him and the poorer now that he has gone. 

May he Rest In Peace and may he have a place in the heavenly choir.

Photo from the New Year’s Levee two years ago where he is clearly dominating two Archbishops.


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