“. . Generous and ready to share . . .”

Photo: Both the ACW Board and the Cathedral’s St. Catherine’s Group receiving a “thank you” certificate from Bonny Lea Farm in June 2019, following the cheque presentation for the 2018/19 Annual Project – no need for masks or physical distancing then!
Photo: Both the ACW Board and the Cathedral’s St. Catherine’s Group receiving a “thank you” certificate from Bonny Lea Farm in June 2019, following the cheque presentation for the 2018/19 Annual Project – no need for masks or physical distancing then!

In Paul’s First Letter to Timothy (6:18), almost at its conclusion, there is the command “to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share . . .“ Well, if ever there was a phrase in Scripture that describes women’s ministry, this is it. Women’s ministry in our diocese is characterized by good works, generosity, and a willingness to share.  If this were not so, the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board would not be successful with its signature outreach ministry of Annual Projects. And successful we have been, and continue to be! 

The rotation pattern of cycling Projects that one year has an enterprise focused locally, another year nationally, and another internationally has yielded considerable insight and many dollars. A quick calculation of the funds raised from Annual Projects of the last 5 years shows contributions exceeding $75,000.00! This total is pretty impressive, especially as the funds raised are not the result of sophisticated Capital Campaigns; rather, they represent gifts of varying sizes, some quite modest, but all given from the heart, from individuals, parish groups, especially the women’s groups, and parishes themselves. With respect to the women’s groups, the generosity is usually the result of “good works.”

We know we are successful in inspiring generosity when we have strong advocates for our Projects. Until the pandemic hit, we were able to host a variety of in-person opportunities for these advocates to share their passion for the enterprise selected by the Board for that particular year (the first of May of one year to April 30 of the next). Because of Covid-19 and no in-person opportunities to enable  “cheerleaders” to speak directly to women’s groups and parishes about the 2020/21 Annual Project, “Supporting Parents: Stories That Matter”, the Board is extending the contribution term by two months to encourage additional donations: it is not too late to make a contribution, as the Board is happy to accept funds for “Supporting Parents: Stories That Matter” until June 30, 2021. Cheques are payable to the ACW Board, “Annual Project” in the memo line, addressed to Marjorie Davis, 204 – 111 Pebblecreek Drive, Dartmouth, NS B2W 0L1.

The funds raised from “Supporting Parents: Stories That Matter” will help expand (in the Anglican Church of Canada’s Council of the North) the world-wide, culturally relevant parenting program of the Mothers’ Union, by helping to fund facilitator training opportunities. This is a Project that responds very directly to one of the key recommendations of Canada’s Truth & Reconciliation Commission regarding the need for culturally relevant parenting programs.  Thank you to all who have already contributed to “Supporting Parents: Stories That Matter” – we are very grateful! 

Here is a peek at our 2021/22 Annual Project, “Marguerite Centre: A Future with Hope”. This is a locally focused Project whereby the Board will be soliciting funds to support a woman to live for a year at this residential, holistic, unique “place of healing for women recovering from addiction”. Marguerite Centre is located outside metro Halifax and is the only place of its kind in the Maritimes. It takes its name from the 17th century Marguerite Bourgeoys who founded a community of women in New France to teach and support women and children in a very harsh environment.  It is Marguerite Bourgeoy’s vision, courage, commitment, and compassion that inspire the staff and residents at Marguerite Centre. 

With its supportive community of care and compassion, the resident women at the Marguerite Centre can courageously chart a future with hope. We have taken our title for the Project from Jeremiah 29:11 – For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. 

With continuing reference to generosity, there is a news release on the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s website: www.anglicanfoundation.org that highlights the generosity of our Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board and the Cathedral’s St. Catherine’s Women’s Group for the AFC’s “Say Yes! to Kids” campaign. The following link takes one directly to the story and photo: $1,000 from the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board, and $500 from the St. Catherine’s Group of the Cathedral Church of All Saints 

Needless  to say, the “Say Yes! to Kids” campaign was delighted to receive both contributions for this ambitious campaign (with a goal of $100,000), running until the end of June 2021. It was validating to have the AFC Executive Director, Rev. Canon Judy Rois, acknowledge the longstanding ties between the Anglican Foundation and our diocese and to recognize the outreach of women’s ministry in our diocese:  “We are deeply moved by, and grateful for this tremendous demonstration of support from these two women’s groups who do so much to help so many in their diocese, across Canada, and around the world.” So, yes, the women of our diocese do respond regularly and consistently to Paul’s command “to do good, to be rich in good works, generous, and ready to share . . .“ Thanks be to God. 


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