February is an exciting month!

UN on Gender Equity

Who can fail to appreciate the gift of Feb 15: Candy-On-Sale day!

There are a few other United Nations “international” dates worth noting, however, such as World Cancer Day (Feb 4) or World Radio Day (Feb 13). In the ongoing journey towards gender equality, February offers us a few options to consider.

Feb 6 is the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. FGM is a distressing practice which some 3 million girls endure each year, where for non-medical reasons their external genitalia is partially or totally removed. These practices lead to serious health complications (even death), significant indignity, and is an abuse of human rights. While this practice tends to have higher incidence of practice in certain geographical regions, it is a global problem, and has been reported within Canada. Pray God we heed the advice of UNICEF, UN Population Fund, and the WHO, and through education eradicate this practice within our lifetime.

Feb 11 is another Day highlight equality, as it is the International Day of Women and Girls in Science. Globally, women make up approximately 30% of those studying and working in STEM-related fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). In Canada, women represent 39% of graduates in STEM programs, and only 23% of those working in these industries. In order to meet the Sustainable Development Goals, the UN is working to address perceived bias that women and girls should avoid these fields by increasing visibility, for example by encouraging television and film to demonstrate equality (currently in these roles only 12% are women). The 2016 film “Hidden Figures” is a great starting place!

While some days are highlighted to raise attention to specific concerns and opportunities to move closer to equality, every day is a day to celebrate our full personhood in the body of Christ, regardless of gender. Let’s spend every day finding ways to remove stereotypes, lift one another up in our God-given gifts and skills, and delight in the beauty of equality in diversity that God has given to us all! 


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