Collaborative Youth Group in the Valley Region

A group of mostly teenagers are decked out in pride gear and holding a banner which in big letters reads 'Evolve' with a flower as the o.
Photo: Evolve youth group at the Annapolis Royal Pride Parade in July.

In June 2022, I became the Incumbent of The Parish of Bridgetown.

Having some knowledge of the community from a student Placement in 2020-21, I was aware that there weren’t many offerings for the youth there. Youth, who will one day, be the leaders we lean on.

I was quick to connect with the local school and dreamt of what could be like in the summer. With not much time before summer break, it didn’t leave enough time to establish a youth group.

Fall would come and I would be riddled with Illness that led to a leave of absence until March 2023. Meaning we could not establish a youth group.

After reestablishing myself in the Parish, I felt hopeful to reconnect with the local school, but this time with the Outreach Worker and her supervisor from SchoolsPlus. It was in that meeting that the Outreach worker, and I, decided that we could collaborate and start a youth group in the community. In weeks to come another community member, Family Matters, partnered with us as well.

It wasn’t long before a member of St. James Church in Bridgetown, expressed interest in becoming a leader with the group, who we lovingly call, “Grammy ‘J’”. The dream of offering a safe space in the community for youth who identify under the ‘Rainbow’ or who are allies, was nearing fruition.

The youth group started in the Spring, and it was immediately identifiable that the youth were thrilled to have a space. When we asked the youth to rate their first day at the youth group using a numerical value of 1-10 (ten being the best), we started hearing responses such as, “100 plus, plus” or “infinity”.

After the first youth group gathering, my heart was full, and my eyes watered from joy all the way home. I couldn’t believe that the simple programming and space we offered would mean so much to the youth.

We four leaders created a calendar of events and activities. The youth kept showing up, week after week. We have attracted out-of-the-area youth in the region and have had folks from as far as Kentville and Annapolis Royal come join us. Our numbers continue to grow with a core group continually attending.

The youth group has participated in an array of activities together. Including various crafts; beach combing and BBQ; painting rocks for a local “rock snake garden,” which is meant to be for the community. The Rock Snake Garden is meant to share meaningful messages to the community. We have also had guest speakers and participated in the Annapolis Pride Parade and look forward to parading in the Lawrencetown Exhibition Parade. On one of the days of the annual exhibition, Evolve Youth Group (officially called “Evolve,” St James Anglican Church Youth Group, Parish of Bridgetown) will have a booth and share the duties at the ‘Family Matters’ booth, helping entertain some younger children.

We have also been planning a camp day (or week next summer) to be held at St Anne’s Camp. We are looking forward to the potentiality of this adventure.

In the meantime, our youth group continues to grow not only in numbers, but personally. We are seeing some of the youth become stronger communicators, grow self esteem, make connections and branch out and attain jobs in the community. Some of them are recognizing that they are individually growing in a positive manner.

The Evolve Youth Group, affirmed their name and created artwork to contribute to the digital format for a logo, masterminded by Janet Clark, a fellow Anglican in a Diocese from Ontario. We appreciate the time that Janet donated to help brand the name.

One of our youth created the slogan for the youth group, “To Love is to Power” (translated from the Latin language). We recognize as a group that, “Love is love” (quoted from Archbishop Michael Curry’s, address to the 2019 General Synod) and that we are empowered when we simply lead with Love.

Aside from some of the outings and ongoings the group has on the go, we always start the group with a ‘check-in,’ “What was one High and one Low for the week?” or more insightfully we may ask, “What was your onion and/or apple this last week?” This offers a safe space for the youth to share in our circle time together. We share our love for one another via writing on positivity posters. Each youth grouper and leader have a brightly coloured poster with their name on it. Before we leave the youth group, we each take a sharpie to write on the individual boards, expressing something we like about that person.

Together, this collaborative team of leaders has been breaking down barriers, within the group and the community.

We continue to meet at St. James Anglican Church (hall), Bridgetown, on Wednesday’s from, 3:15-5:15PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Reverend Dawn-Lea Greer,
Rector of the Parish of Bridgetown
Priest-In-Charge of the Parish of New Ross
Vice-Chair of the Board for St. Anne’s Camp
Contact: [email protected]


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