Sarah Neish

Picture of Sarah Neish


A sole human in a dark coat and clothes and hat is seen in the distance crossing a large grey stone expanse.

The Road to Emmaus 

A shared meditation on fear, loneliness, love and faith.  One of our favourite Easter stories as a couple has always been the Easter evening tale

A white church is photographed against a blue sky. Trees without leaves can be seen in the foreground and next to the church.

Raise the Roof

When you have been sitting in the beautiful town of Annapolis Royal for over 200 years, in all kinds of weather ,through winters and summers

St Bart's by the Bog

We await the arrival of the wise men By the Bog

Christmas day has come and gone, and I can just hear Father Jason exclaiming that Christmas is NOT over until January 6th. He insists that all of our decorations stay in

Full pews and family dinners

Life here By The Bog has been like a yoyo at times. As soon as we begin to see the light at the end of the pandemic tunnel some

St Bart's by the Bog

Masks and life by The Bog

There are many signs of new life, or should I say returning life here By The Bog as we move into Autumn and life with

St Bart's by the Bog

The need for hugs By the Bog

The Rector came for a visit! In normal times this would not be noteworthy but this year it is for sure. We have had lots

St Bart's by the Bog

Lent and ashes on brows

Here we are at the beginning of the season of Lent in the year 2021.  So, what else is new?  I feel like we have

St Bart's by the Bog

And so, it continues

And so, it continues! The world is in the midst of this pandemic and well into the second wave, if not the third wave; and

St Bart's by the Bog

St Bart’s glows with hope

I am surprised that the astronauts on the space station have not reported a new glow from eastern Canada. The holiday lights on display in

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