Mary Stone

Picture of Mary Stone


It’s the little things

Since my last piece in The Diocesan Times on the topic of loneliness much has happened in our communities that has called on us to

The loneliness epidemic

Mothers’ Union A neighbour recently expressed concern for people in our community who seem to be lonely. This was after I had read an article

A red dress hangs on a tree without leaves. In the background more hanging dresses can be seen and snow on the ground.

Lest we forget…Red Dress day

The Vision of Mothers’ Union states, in part,  ‘…Our movement seeks to bring about justice, challenge prejudice and advocate change.’ Gender-based violence happens 365 days

Photo: The way we gather today.

Transformation of a different sort

Whenever I hear the word transform I always think of those fantastical creatures that our children had that could be twisted and turned into a very different character or vehicle. And

Mother's Union

Follow the light … and save a life

The Diocesan Mothers’ Union has done it again! – Another conference/rally on Zoom with 80+ people in attendance from church halls and their homes.  The

The ripple effect

Last month, Mary Sumner, the founder of Mothers’ Union, was the focus of this column. I like to point out that she was a grandmother

Mother's Union

The times they are a changin’

We live in changing times. And so it is with Mothers’ Union.  There is change in the air.  For the past 4 years the executive

Christmas is long over…

Christmas is long over but as of March 6 my Christmas Cactus hadn’t realize this…. it has been budding and blooming since November. My 6

Mother's Union

Lady Day

The term ‘ladies’ is used in many ways…sports divisions, washroom identification and clothing.  ‘Lady’ can be offensive when using it to address one women.  The

Love makes the world go ‘round…

This time last year Mothers’ Union was embarking on a year of building Hope and Confidence in our communities and in ourselves and then suddenly

Mother's Union

Two Taboo Subjects: Creating a Welcoming Atmosphere

Two subjects that are so natural and essential to humans are often embarrassing and difficult to talk about. The first of these is menstruation, a natural function of the female body.

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