Lisa Vaughn

Picture of Lisa Vaughn
Rev. Canon Lisa G. Vaughn is the Diocesan Parish Vitality Coordinator. For additional articles, inspiration and insights on congregational vitality and mission see the Facebook page “Parish Vitality Coordinator – Diocese of NS & PEI”, and the Anglican Net News, “Six-Minute Study”.


Jesus says, “Where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” - Matthew 18:20

Guidance from a gathering guru

Why do we gather as church? Really?  On the face of it, this seems like a simple question. But is it?  The ‘why’ question surfaces

Inviting into community: Why, who and how to make the ‘ask’. Community – Photo by Rita Vicari on Unsplash

Gathering of the community

Opportunity knocks!  Perhaps even literally… as people emerging from their COVID cloistering seek out community. This autumn congregations extend invitations to their neighbours to join

Engaging the SBNRs

Where can you go to have an open-minded, non-judgemental, non-pressured conversation with others who are interested in spiritual things? People who identify as ‘spiritual, but

What’s the buzz?

The sting of COVID means some aspects of Churchland life are smarting – like disruptions in receiving Eucharist, the prohibition of hugs, partaking in potlucks

Into the great wide open

We’re not quite there yet.  Although we are well on our way to having pandemic restrictions eased, many of our indoor pre-COVID gatherings will not

MISSION (is) POSSIBLE – May 2021

Diocesan stories of people responding to God’s call Let me be your (soup) servant Talk about chicken soup for the soul! A culinarian crew from

Photo: Talk and Tea gathering at the Church Brewing Company pub in Wolfville.

MISSION (is) POSSIBLE – April 2021

Diocesan stories of people responding to God’s call Something to talk about A good gab session over a steaming cup of tea is par for

Photo: A well-loved Curious George.

Curiosity compels the Church

My all-time favourite stuffy when I was a child was Curious George. The accompanying story books written by Margret and H. A. Rey captivated me

MISSION (is) POSSIBLE – March 2021

Ministry in 2021 means going where the people are. For many that is online, and one of our priests has connected in a mighty way! 

Lion face

Be safe?

Orderly. Stable. Secure. Safe. These are terms frequently expressed when we talk about church or the Christian life. Especially now, in these COVID-19 times, we

Discipleship: the heart of the matter

People of faith are becoming endeared to the fullest sense of discipleship, as many these days are reflecting on baptismal identity. Questions are posed like,

MISSION (is) POSSIBLE – February 2021

Diocesan stories of people responding to God’s call A new cohort steps up Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “Faith is taking the first step even

Photo: Laughter Yoga online at St. James’ Armdale with Rev. Katie Taylor-Flynn, Brenda Clark (leader), Alice Nicholson and Bertha Galpin

MISSION (is) POSSIBLE – January 2021

Diocesan stories of people responding to God’s call Missional movers and shakers Mission-shaped churches don’t happen by accident. These outward-oriented flourishing congregations are intentionally nurtured to be that way.

Vital virtual visits

For now we see only a reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully

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