Laura Marie Piotrowicz

Picture of Laura Marie Piotrowicz
Rev. Laura Marie Piotrowicz is the Rector of St. John's, Lunenburg


UN on Gender Equity

Valens: strong, powerful, and worthy

While the 14th is a celebration of Sts. Methodius and Cyril (co-patrons of Europe), we can also ascribe the day to St. Valentine. While there

UN on Gender Equity

Celebrate every family as holy

As we continue to wander and wonder our way through the bliss and delight of the Christmas season, we are guided by the journey of Mary and Joseph, and

How can we be more intentional

Last month, I was part of a team working on a short-term project promoting gender equality; our collaborative efforts managed to fit to a multitude

UN on Gender Equity

What is Intersectionality?

ne of the terms used in discussions of gender equality is intersectionality. It’s a relatively new term (Kimberlé Crenshaw used it in the 1990s) to

UN on Gender Equity

Jesus engaged with people

We know – and celebrate – that Jesus engaged with people regardless of societal barriers of gender, age, marital status, or health. Instead, he focused

UN on Gender Equity

The naming of the women is significant

Despite numerous differences in the accounts of the crucifixion, one of the consistencies is the presence of the women. The women who had been a

UN on Gender Equity

February is an exciting month!

Who can fail to appreciate the gift of Feb 15: Candy-On-Sale day! There are a few other United Nations “international” dates worth noting, however, such

UN on Gender Equity

We would be shocked to see it happening today

As we continue to dwell in the joy of the birth of our Saviour, I continue to ponder on the Holy Family. While our own seasonal busyness is comparable to

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