Frances Drolet-Smith

Picture of Frances Drolet-Smith
Rev. Frances Drolet-Smith is the Diocesan Representative for the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.


A top down photo of what appears to be a man and a woman holding hands on a couch. Both appear to be people of colour.

Teach us to Pray: Partners in Prayer

For several years, I met regularly with a man who was seeking spiritual guidance. He would sometimes share his concerns for his family or his

Teach Us to Pray: in unprecedented times

In his acclaimed work Conjectures of a Guilty Bystander, the American Trappist monk Thomas Merton wrote: “You do not need to know precisely what is happening, or exactly where it is

Teach Us to Pray: Guiding stars

There is such value of telling stories for telling one’s story is a way of understanding one’s life and history and place in the universe. We all have family stories,

Teach Us to Pray: Call the midwife

For me, a perk – or more accurately, a hindrance – spawned by this relentless pandemic has been binging on television series. Maybe you’ve succumbed

Teach Us to Pray: Praying with every breath

Breath Prayers Inhale: Humble and gentle One, Exhale: you are rest for my soul. (from Matthew 11:28-30) Inhale:  True Vine and Gardener, Exhale: I abide

Teach Us to Pray: Praying the hours

One of the side-effects of living during a pandemic is the change in our perception of time. I’ve heard people use the abbreviations “PP” for

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