Cathy Lee Cunningham

Picture of Cathy Lee Cunningham
Cathy Lee Cunningham is Rector of the Church of the Good Shepherd, Beaver Bank


A wall covered in positive post-it notes

The sacred work of church changing

New article series for 2023-24   “And the one who was seated on the throne said, “See, I am making all things new.” Also he

A stained glass window of Jesus.

Survive, thrive, lead: What happened to us?

By Cathy Lee Cunningham (she/her) Rector, Church of the Good Shepherd, Beaver Bank “What are these wounds in your hands dear saviour? What are these

Survive, thrive, lead: spark joy

    This month, when our dear editor, Paul Sherwood, asked us to write our articles with a focus on bring new possibilities and hope

Survive, thrive, lead: disrupting the darkness

Here’s a starting point for personal reflection and parish discussion on the topic of disruption: 8 Disruptive Church Trends That Will Rule 2021 – With Carey Nieuwhof

Survive, thrive, lead: follow the servant leader

“Sing of God made manifest when at Jordan John confessed, “I should be baptized by you, but your bidding I will do.” – Carl P. Daw Jr., “Sing of God Made

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