Bryan Hagerman

Picture of Bryan Hagerman
Bryan Hagerman, RCT, is the Outreach Counsellor, St Paul’s Church.


Computer drawn caricature of Bryan Hagerman

Validation or value judgment?

John went to work with a full heart. He had been on holiday for a month, and had not felt this rested in recent memory.

Computer drawn caricature of Bryan Hagerman

Self-belief and the internal dialogue

My grandfather reportedly had a saying that I grew up with;  “Believe half of what you see and nothing of what you hear.” However, with

“It’s not about you!”

Victimhood:The Emotional Enemy Part 1 The Grand Beach Hotel offered a beautiful and engaging vista. Surrounded by tall coconut trees, beautiful red, white, and purple

A closeup of a fountain pen writing on lined paper. the writing is curve and illegible.

The living eulogy

Mental Health for the dying and the healthy Walking into the hall early for the funeral, I found a seat at the back of the

Computer drawn caricature of Bryan Hagerman

Failing forward

The concept of Failing Forward could be, at first glance, an uncomfortable one. Perhaps it is the word “failure” that evokes a negative reaction. However,

Computer drawn caricature of Bryan Hagerman

Getting there, now what?

The scholar finished her several hundred-page dissertations, was successful in her defense, graduated, held the bound copy in her hands, and after all the work,

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

The experience of reference

Our arrival at the Louvre was exciting. We had one major objective in mind and that was to see the Mona Lisa. First, we decided

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

I told no one!

It was the Spring of 1983. I had recently returned from two intense years in Africa, with three months of preparation in order to go back that mid

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

“So how is your spiritual life?”

I can honestly say that I have learned more about the importance of personal human relationships from my dear wife than from anyone else. And

Do you ever kick the dog?

I have sat through a multitude of Job Interviews in my life, from both sides of the table, as an interviewer and as a prospective

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

Symmetry and mental health

It was a beautiful afternoon for bush barging through the dense forest near where I lived on the Eastern slope of The Great Rift Valley

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

Vulnerability and shame

It was a beautiful early morning walk along a pristine white sand beach, on the Indian Ocean in Kenya. I loved those walks in the

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

Empathy and pain

The big burly ex convict came into the office and sat down rather tentatively. He had never been in therapy before and this was a

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

The power of personal choice

The Power of Personal Choice is within each of our grasp. And that knowledge can bring with it a tremendous euphoric feeling. “Robert Schuller the

Beach photo from Bryan Haggerman

The purse

Queen Elizabeth II is a first class, wonderful human being, and a Jesus follower. Many would agree with this assessment. Apart from media reports, and

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