Championing youth & family ministry

Happy New Year to one and all! It feels great to be in a diocese that champions youth and family ministry. The Diocese of Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island said Yes! to Kids by offering generous support to the Anglican Foundation’s spring Say Yes! to Kids campaign. And . . . the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board took a front runner role in the early days of the campaign with a leadership gift of $1,000 that inspired giving within our diocese and beyond. When the campaign concluded on June 30 with $110,000 raised, Anglican Church Women in Canada had been responsible for almost 10% of that total. Anglican Church Women said “Yes!” to Kids.

However, the other aspect of the Say! Yes to Kids initiative, and what is so exciting for our Diocese, is the number of approved projects to benefit from the funds raised. Our Diocese had the greatest number of proposals approved of any diocese, with a total of $61,650 to support 10 inspirational initiatives in the social impact categories of Resilience & Mental Health, Arts & Music, Capacity Building & Youth Ministry, Outdoor Recreation, and Indigenous Reconciliation. This is a very big “Yes” to Kids, and a wonderful way to welcome 2022!

As the Foundation’s Executive Director, Dr. Scott Brubacher, noted: “Anglican Foundation supporters embraced Say Yes! to Kids with a spirit of generosity last spring and applicants responded to that generosity with a spirit of innovation and creativity this fall.” This innovation and creativity is very evident in the proposals submitted from our Diocese, each accompanied by a comprehensive letter of support from Bishop Sandra, who can see the potential for a positive impact on the well being of kids, youth, and families of our Diocese’s successful project proposals. The Foundation could see the underpinning of the Marks of Mission in our diocese’s grant proposals – this underpinning was both implicit and explicit.

Anglican Church Women have an historical and understandable interest in and support for youth and family ministry. The demonstration of this interest and support has taken various forms over the years and is evolving with current realities. The Anglican Church Women Board recognizes that we are very fortunate in our Diocese to have an effective Youth & Family Ministry Vision, Strategy and Support Team (VSST), along with the Synod staff position of Youth & Family Ministry Coordinator in the person of Allie Colp. We have parishes prepared to put energy and resources into ministry that benefits kids, youth, young adults, and families. These infrastructure features, combined with the effective episcopal leadership of Bishop Sandra and Foundation funding, spell success for youth and family ministry in our Diocese in the weeks and months ahead in 2022. It is true that behind every approved grant is a generous gift able to make a positive difference.

Archbishop Linda Nicholls, Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada and Chair of the Anglican Foundation, noted that, “We are closing in on two years since the onset of the pandemic and we know our churches continue to face challenges. But the entire [Anglican Foundation] Board feels so energized by our capacity to fund these innovative, missional projects and to support Canadian Anglicans in their vision for an engaged, compassionate church. There are creative, visionary projects from across the country here and we are praying for all of them.”

To get a sense of the grants that have been funded by the Foundation this fall, with particular attention to the Say Yes! to Kids proposals, take advantage of the following link to view a short video/slide presentation: fall 2021 grant awards slide presentation With its historic interest in youth and family ministry, the Anglican Church Women Diocesan Board will watch with interest in 2022 the development of our Diocese’s 10 Say Yes! to Kids funded projects in the following categories:

A. Resilience & Mental Health:

  • St. Nicholas, Upper Tantallon – You’re Invited: Bi-monthly community family supper night;
  • St. Paul’s, Halifax – Youth Retreat – an opportunity to recharge;
  • Youth & Family Ministry VSST – Social Justice Conference; and,
  • Collieries Parish, Cape Breton – Go Girl! Game On! – Youth Mentoring Program.

B. Arts & Music:

  • St. Margaret of Scotland, Halifax – North End Ukulele Band; and,
  • Ward 5 Neighbourhood Centre in St. Mark’s,  Halifax – Joyful Sounds! After School Music Group.

Capacity Building & Youth Ministry:

  • Church of Saint Andrew, Cole Harbour – Comfort area for children, families, and nursing mothers;
  • Youth & Family Ministry VSST – Community Roots Day Camp.

D. Outdoor Recreation:

  • Parish of Avon Valley – A vision for St. Anne’s Anglican Youth Camp: Rediscovering friendship in a post-pandemic world.

E. Indigenous Reconciliation:

  • Parish of French Village, St. Margaret’s Bay – Peace & Friendship Garden: ReconciliACTION in St. Margaret’s Bay.

Anglican Church Women are praying for them all. Please join us as we welcome 2022 with its renewed energy for youth and family ministry in our diocese and across the country in the Anglican Church of Canada.


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